Atlas of Human Anatomy
Seminal vesicles
, 249, 344–345, 362, 367,
Seminiferous tubules
, 368
Semispinalis capitis muscle
, 171–173, 175,
Semispinalis cervicis muscle
, 173, 175,
Semispinalis thoracis muscle
, 173, 177
Semitendinosus muscle
, 468, 477–478, 482,
489–490, 492–493, 497, 502–503, 527, 531
Semitendinosus tendon
, 479–480, 493–494
Sensory cortex
, 136
Septa forming canals
, 450
Septal area
, 120
Septal cartilage
, 35, 38
Septal nasal cartilage
Nasal septal
Septal nuclei
, 120
Septal papillary muscle
, 217, 220–221
Septomarginal trabecula (moderator
, 217, 221–222
, 36
, 372
, 371–373
, 5
of pulmonary veins
, 202
of scrotum
, 344, 365, 368, 373, 383
Septum pellucidum
, 107, 109, 111–113, 142,
144, 146, 148
anterior vein of
, 146–147
posterior veins of
, 147
Serosa (visceral peritoneum)
, 272, 275,
282, 305
Serous glands of von Ebner
, 60
Serratus fascia, anterior
, 412
Serratus muscle
, 171, 177–179, 188, 214, 238–242,
245–246, 250, 253–254, 329, 398, 405,
409–410, 413, 415, 467
digitations of
, 185–186
transverse section of
, 324
, 171–172, 176–177, 241, 250
, 171–172, 177, 241
Sesamoid bone
, 511, 515, 521–523
, 439, 443
Shenton’s line
, 530
Short radiolunate ligament
, 441
anteroposterior radiograph of
, 407
arthrogram of
, 467
computed tomography of
, 467
cutaneous nerves of
, 401
glenohumeral joint
, 408
joint capsule of
, 413
magnetic resonance imaging of
, 467
muscles of
, 409
nerves of
, 465
superficial veins of
, 401
Sigmoid artery
, 259, 268, 288, 302
Sigmoid colon
, 263, 265, 276, 302, 341–342,
345, 369–372, 390
innervation of
, 163–164
Sigmoid lymph nodes
, 296
Sigmoid mesocolon
, 265, 268, 276, 288,
308, 313, 369
Sigmoid plexus
, 302
Sigmoid sinus
, 55, 99, 104–105
groove for
, 8, 11
imaging of
, 150
, 13
Sigmoid vein
, 268, 291–292, 377
Sinu-atrial (SA) nodal artery
, 222
Sinu-atrial (SA) node
, 215, 222
, 44.
See also specific sinuses
confluence of
, 99, 104–105, 146
of newborn
, 45
, 278–279
Skene’s ducts
, 367
openings of
, 354
of neck
, 26
of penis
, 358–360, 365
, 371–372
of scalp
, 3, 25, 103
of scrotum
, 365, 368
anterior view of
, 4
anteroposterior radiograph of
, 5
base of
, 66
connective tissue of
, 103
dura mater interface with
, 101, 103
lateral radiograph of
, 7
lateral view of
, 6
midsagittal section of
, 8
of newborn
, 14
nuchal line of, superior
, 171–173
Small intestine
, 127, 263, 321
arteries of
, 287
autonomic nerves of
, 301, 303
innervation of
, 163–164
lymph vessels and nodes of
, 295
transverse section of
, 328
veins of
, 290
Soft palate
, 36, 38, 56, 64, 66, 68
innervation of
, 119
muscles of
, 65
of foot
, 519
cutaneous innervation of
, 528
muscles of
first layer
, 520
second layer
, 521
third layer
, 522
Soleus muscle
, 482, 493, 502–508, 510, 516,
518, 527–528, 531
arch of
, 482
nerve to
, 503–504
tendinous arch of
, 504–505
Solitary lymphoid nodules
, 272
Solitary tract nucleus
, 117–118, 124,
126–127, 224, 318
rostral part of
, 136
Somatic efferent fibers, of urinary
bladder and lower ureter
, 395
Sound reception, pathway of
, 94
of hand
, 450
of Retzius
, 346
, 413
Spermatic cord
, 249, 256, 359–360, 383, 396
artery to ductus deferens in
, 251
cremaster fascia on
, 256
cremaster muscle on
, 253, 256
external spermatic fascia on
, 245, 253,
internal spermatic fascia on
, 257
testicular vessels in
, 379
Spermatic fascia
, 246–247, 256, 344, 358–360, 365,
368, 383
of spermatic cord
, 245, 253, 255–256
, 245, 247, 256, 365, 368
on spermatic cord
, 257
Spheno-ethmoidal recess
, 36–37
Sphenoidal bone
, 4, 6, 8, 10–11, 15, 42
anterior clinoid process
, 8, 11
body of
, 8, 11, 38
, 11
prechiasmatic groove
, 11
sella turcica
, 11
carotid groove of
, 11
clivus of
, 11
crest of
, 38
foramen ovale of
, 10
foramen spinosum of
, 10
greater wing of
, 4, 6–8, 10–11
groove for middle meningeal vessels
, 11
orbital surface of
, 4
infratemporal crest of
, 6
lesser wing of
, 4–5, 8, 11
of newborn
, 45
optic canal of
, 8
pterygoid hamulus of
, 6, 10, 16, 37
pterygoid process of
, 10
hamulus of
, 6, 10, 16, 37
lateral plate of
, 6, 8, 10, 16, 37–38
medial plate of
, 6, 8, 10, 16, 37–38
pterygoid fossa of
, 10
scaphoid fossa of
, 10
sella turcica of
, 8, 11
dorsum sellae
, 11
hypophyseal fossa
, 11
posterior clinoid process
, 11
tuberculum sellae
, 11
sphenoidal sinus of
, 8, 37–38
spine of
, 10, 16, 100
Sphenoidal concha, of newborn
, 45
Sphenoidal emissary foramen (of
Vesalius) (inconstant)
, 13
Sphenoidal fontanelle, of newborn
, 14
Sphenoidal process, of palatine bone
, 37
Sphenoidal sinus
, 8, 36–38, 43–44, 55, 64,
68, 85, 105, 138
of newborn
, 45
opening of
, 8, 36–37, 44
Sphenomandibular ligament
, 18, 49, 51
, 18
Spheno-occipital synchondrosis
, 64
Sphenopalatine artery
, 40, 51, 54, 72
posterior lateral nasal branches of
, 40, 54
posterior septal branch of
, 40
posterior septal branches of
, 40, 51
greater palatine artery anastomosis with
Sphenopalatine foramen
, 6, 8, 16, 37,
40–41, 51
opening of
, 37
Sphenopalatine vessels, in incisive
, 12
Sphenoparietal sinus
, 104–105
superficial middle cerebral vein draining to
Spherical recess
, 97
Sphincter pupillae muscle
, 90, 122, 133,
innervation of
, 119
Sphincter urethrae muscle
, 335, 339–340,
346, 348, 355–356, 374, 395, 397
growth of
, 347
Sphincter urethrovaginalis muscle
, 346,
350, 355–357, 397
Spinal artery
, 139–140, 142, 144, 167–168
anastomotic loops to
, 167
spinal segmental medullary branches of
, 140, 142, 167–168
anastomotic loops to
, 167
, 144, 168
, 168
Spinal cord
, 53, 238–239, 319
arteries of
intrinsic distribution of
, 168
schema of
, 167
central canal of
, 109–110, 116, 118
descending tracts in
, 207
dorsal horn of
, 165
gray matter of
, 165–166
Sphenoidal bone
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